I'd like to start this letter with a special story.
A few years ago, we had a young man graduate with a degree in Business Management. After he graduated, my heart kept wanting to know what happened to him and what he was doing, but without any success. Students are not required to stay in touch, and many don't, but I did not give up; I held out hope.
Then this summer we found him. Cristian has been living and working in San Luis, but it turns out he was in a very bad accident. He was driving a motorcycle when he was hit by a truck.
As of now Cristian has full use of his upper body and some use of one leg and none in the other.
God always has a reason for what he puts on your heart, and if you trust, He will let you know what He has in mind. When we contacted Cristian, I knew immediately why. God wanted his spirit lifted. We have offered to help him get his master's degree in Business Management.
He applied for this master's degree and has been accepted. He will do his study online and will begin in January. Cristian's excitement let me know God's plan was just what he needed. I'm praising the Lord for this young man.
Here is a photo of Cristian right before his first surgery.

This is the prayer he prayed before his surgery: "In your hands, my God, I commit my life, my recovery, my faith, and my strength."
This isn't the first major trauma in Cristian's life. When he was in the program working on his bachelor's degree, a very dear friend of his was killed by the cartel (because he was helping young people recover from drug abuse). The cartel burned his friend to death by pouring gasoline on him and then lighting him on fire. The next day we had interviews, and Cristian led the group in prayer. After he prayed, I asked him why he was so quite that day, and he told me the story of his friend. Tears fell, but Cristian's faith was and still is strong.
If you feel led to help us with a sponsorship for him, please let us know. I have reached out to a group in Idaho to sponsor him, so he could have a sponsor already, but we just aren't aware of it yet. Of course, as always God has a plan.
If you feel led to help us with a sponsorship for him, please let us know. I have reached out to a group in Idaho to sponsor him, so he could have a sponsor already, but we just aren't aware of it yet. Of course, as always God has a plan.
Below is the next reason for this newsletter, and it is because we have, in faith, taken on a new church and over 20 new students. We have already set up a before-and-after-school program at this site. You can read a little about it and see photos of the program in action.
The church also has a daily feeding program, and that, too, is presented so you can learn a little more about this wonderful church. The feeding program is taken care of by the congregation and other ministries that come alongside the church.
This church is our second venture across the canal. Cristian was our first, and now we hope to have many more.

Meet Pastor Pedro Ramirez, his wife Nidia, son Pedro Jr., and daughter Keyla. Pedro Jr. works as the computer tech for the Before-and-After-School program, and Keyla is one of the students now in the program.
WE NEED YOU to step out in faith and come along side us with this new church. In addition, we still have a few children from our other churches that do not have sponsors. When you step out in faith, it's an adventure to see what God is going to do.
Below are some views of the new before-and-after-school site. We have furnished tables, racking, supplies, lockers, computers, and monies to supply lunch and other needs for this program. You can see the students working on projects and Pedro Jr. assisting them. You will see a few pictures of the kitchen crew who works to prepare the students with a light lunch each day.
I've also included a group of pictures from a program the church does with their congregation and other ministries to reach out to the community. The poverty level in this part of San Luis is very high so a feeding program is almost a necessity.
As you can see there are many children who are fed and ministered to through this feeding outreach. Being a small part of what this church does is going to be exciting for us and we hope to see the growth in the lives of the children.
We pray this is the beginning of a relationship that will produce many young men and women who will have a difference made in their lives and will also make a difference in the lives they touch.

Last but not least is Gabriel (far left). Gabriel graduated as a nurse through our program and now has returned to finish his original goal of becoming a dentist. Keep him in your prayers for wisdom.
Gabriel does not qualify for a sponsorship so we have taken his education on in exchange for future services. Once he qualifies he will become the official dentist for the program.
Gabriel has served in the program as we have requested over the past few years and look forward to what God does in his life.
Here at the close of this letter, I would like to leave you with photos of all the students, not only the ones in this new church but also from our original churches, who remain without sponsors.
Please click here to see a list of the children who still need sponsors.

Thank you for your kindness, support, for taking the time to read this newsletter and all the prayers prayed from you to our Heavenly Father for the future of this program and the lives of these children.
Love you all,